These animals need longer-term care which may include things like training, boarding, medical care, rehabilitation, and surgery so that they can be ADOPTED into loving homes!
You can also choose to gift your SWEETHEART sponsorship to someone else.
PENNY was rescued from Mexico in April 2024 and needs Entropion surgery on both of her eyelids. (cost = $950)
Sweet, shy, gentle PATCH was found abandoned in a field in Bakersfield. He was feral when caught and is learning to be a pet. Estimated time in special shy dog boarding = 6-9 months
TOBY was taken from a very neglectful home and he came to us practically feral. He is in a special program with PATCH, learning to be a pet! Estimated time in special shy dog boarding = 6-9 months

Bakersfield Strays is a collaboration of individuals working to save dogs dumped in the deserts in Bakersfield and prevent the future dumping of dogs. Dogs abandoned in the area often do not survive the harsh environment and are unfixed, leading to further disaster. START Rescue's donors are the primary funders of the Bakersfield Strays mission.
It's kitten season and our partner Luxe Paws is saving kittens and adults right off the streets in L.A. We work with them to get them vetted and homed. Your donation will help to cover the costs to vaccinate, alter, and rescue-transport them to their new home states!


Hello, I am STARSKY. I was rescued from a dog-meat slaughterhouse in S. Korea. I came in very afraid of people and have been with START Rescue for about a year. They say that I am finally ready to be adopted after being in special boarding training where they taught me how to behave, and how to TRUST humans for the very first time.
Rehabilitated & Adopted!
TRUDI was brought to the Bakersfield Shelter Thursday, October 13th, 2022 after being chained up for who knows how long,and attacked by two dogs (multiple times it seems). The shelter removed the embedded chain to find TRUDI's neck infested with maggots. This poor dog had suffered a lifetime of misery. Now we aim to get her well emotionally, and physically. YOU can help! She will need a LOT of medical nurturing. Click the link below and then select TRUDI.
Rehabilitated & Adopted!
I am Rocky, I was found begging for help in the desert area, cold and hungry. I was approaching every person I saw and was clearly upset! Someone finally took me in, but they cannot keep me or afford to pay for my care. I have been recovering from the whole ordeal. I may have a low thyroid problem, but the vets are figuring that out now! I have been with START since November.

APPLE, an injured and possibly paralyzed chihuahua mix, had only hours left to live and was stuck in a high-kill shelter in L.A. START decided to save her life and to determine what was physically wrong with her and if a medical intervention was possible.
APPLE was determined to have a compressed spine and is in intensive physical therapy which was the vet-recommended course of action. So far she is REALLY improving every day! APPLE is only 1.5 years old and she is SO sweet. She has a real enthusiasm for life which is very endearing to all who meet her.
Wiggly butt LUIS LUIS (like the song!) was stuck in a shelter for weeks and weeks. He was becoming kennel stressed, the wiggle-butt was no longer, and shelter staff knew it was a downward spiral from there. With the help of donors, he has been pulled from the shelter!

Hi I am SWEETS. A rescue group in Oregon was ready to save me from a shelter but then the bad news came, I have heartworm! It is treatable, but too expensive for the little rescue to cover, so START Rescue stepped in and saved my life! I am in a medical foster home and being treated for heartworm. It takes 2 months and I will be done by the end of July. Can you help me to receive the treatments I need?

10-year-old STANLEY was found wandering the streets of Porterville, CA. STANLEY is a senior and sleeps most of the day. (He snores loudly.) He has some missing patches of hair but is very chill. He has been rescued and we will pay his medical bills!
Rehabilitated & Adopted!
Hi I am Lluvia! I have a terrible injury and cannot use one of my legs. When I ended up in a shelter, no one came for me and the shelter was going to euthanize me because of my injury. All I need is an amputation and then I will be right as rain! So START Rescue took me in before my final day, put me in a foster home and I am going to have my leg amputated! I am looking forward to not being at risk of infection and not dragging around this leg that doesn't work. My medical treatments will cost about $3,000.